EBSOMED presents the BCD as a strategic tool for economic recovery in the Med region

Agenda & News

On the framework of the EBSOMED project and on the side-lines of the 2021 edition of the MED BUSINESS DAYS held in Milan on December 2 and 3, BUSINESSMED presented Business Country Desk (BCD), a platform that aims to stimulate regional economic development and establish strategic and sustainable networks in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

After a cycle of online presentations focused each time on the business ecosystem of a specific country targeted by the EBSOMED project, BUSINESSMED moved to the second step by organizing a regional presentation session to economic operators participating in the CONNEXT 2021 exhibition.

The platform, whose ultimate goal is to stimulate regional economic development and establish strategic and sustainable networks in the Euro-Mediterranean region is now relevant more than ever after the outbreak of the Covid-19 crisis, to strengthen business resilience, given the heavy economic impact of the pandemic that hinders competitiveness and business continuity.

"The Business Country Desk represents not only a real catalyst for the engagement of all partners at local, national and regional levels, but also a privileged space for the promotion of talent, internationalization and the private sector in the Mediterranean region, focusing on innovation and sectoral approach as key priorities for the years to come" said Jihen Boutiba EBSOMED project Director and Secretary General of BUSINESSMED

High-level panellists from the European Commission, IOE and ITC highlighted, through their interventions, the role of digitalization as a driver for internationalization. The session outlined the purpose and potential of the BCD and the synergies that could be created with other EU Funded projects and platforms.